There are over 250 verses in the bible about worship! It is obviously very important that we understand all we can about this topic. Worship is honor and adoration directed to God. We worship God because God created us to worship Him, worship is at the center of our existence, at the heart of our reason for being…
Wisdom for Decision Making
Proverbs 11:14 “Where there is no guidance the people fall, but in the multitude of counselors there is safety.”
I’ve made a lot of poor decisions in my life. I tend to try to only recall the good decisions, but if I were keeping score of the bad decisions vs the good decisions, I think the game would have been called off a long time ago. Since graduating high school, it seems like it is the theme of life to be presented with opportunities to make tough choices. It never ends…
If you are a believer, fellowship is not optional. The bible gives us several commands that include the words, “one another” and we cannot obey these commands unless we are planted in a community of believers. How can we comfort one another, serve one another, bear one another’s burdens, etc. if we aren’t around one another?
How Can I Help a Friend Who is Suicidal?
“What do I do if I get a suicidal text from one of my friends, telling me that they’re about to end their life. Who do I go to/what do I do to help them? Is praying a good thing to do at this time?”
First off, if you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts, you can call or text 988 to speak with someone 24/7. You also have people here at Impact who want to walk alongside you if you’d like to speak to someone face to face. There is so much hope for you. You are loved beyond words.
Christ Our Hope in Life & Death
Philippians 1:21 says “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” This is a verse that is on my mind all the time. When I was in Ranger School, we would walk for hours, and we would not talk at all. I repeated this verse in my mind over and over just thinking of the implications of it. I wrote it on the inside of my hat so whenever I took it off, I would read it. I would daydream of ways this should look in my own life…
Why do we confess if our sins have been forgiven and there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ? (Romans 8:1-2) This is a worthwhile question, especially if we strive to honor God with our thoughts and actions. In order to truly understand the purpose of confession we must start in the Old Testament…
Song Spotlight: Highlands (Song of Ascent)
Have you ever felt disappointed in God? Have you ever felt let down by Him in regards to the hopes and expectations you had for your life? Maybe you dreamed of getting into a certain college that rejected your application. Maybe you are watching all of your friends receive attention from significant others while you feel invisible and so, so single. Maybe you were overlooked for an opportunity at your job or at school that was instead given to someone you believe is less deserving. It is easy to thank the Lord when things seem to be going well, but how can we be grateful and praise Him even when we feel overwhelmed by disappointment?
If you’ve ever been at Impact on a Tuesday night and your prayer request has been, “I just need prayer to improve my prayer life” or “spend more time praying” or some other version of that same sentiment — homie, trust me, you’re not alone. It's tough! Between assignments piling up, drama with friends, and all the ups and downs of family life, it's no wonder we sometimes feel like taking care of our Spiritual walk gets shoved to the back burner…
In The Midst of My Mess
We all want something. At any given point in time, we are pursuing a goal or setting our lives on a certain trajectory. Right now you might be getting ready for college, or to get your driver’s license, or to get a job. If you’re like me, you like to have a plan. I don’t plan out my every move, but I tend to have a few steps I know I need to take to get where I want to go. It’s comfortable having a plan. It makes me feel like I’m in control…