Impact Staff

  • Chris Potts | Youth Pastor

    Born and raised in Tacoma, I am excited to serve Jesus here. I met Jesus in elementary school and grew up in church...

  • Makayla Guzman | Coordinator

    I put my faith in Jesus in elementary school, but I had a very shallow understanding of what walking with the Lord was...

  • Michael Lennox | Communications

    I was born and raised in the Pacific Northwest and have been attending FBC with my family for most of my life. I became a Christian...

High School Leaders

Alexa Pedersen

Drew Wright

Taylor Westering

Dustin Talladay

Jill Newman

Karl Newman

Kellen Westering

Rachel Wright

Randy Guzman

Middle School Leaders

Amy Potts

Anders Pedersen

AJ Pearson

Chris Tiller

Emma DeVries

Hannah Pakney

Natalie Smith

Sadie Mae Potts

Event Leaders

Audrey Pedersen

Malachi Nyhuis

Piper Talladay

Staff Bios

CHRIS POTTS | Born and raised in Tacoma, I am excited to serve Jesus here. I met Jesus in elementary school and grew up in church knowing him but didn’t really choose to follow him until 1999. As a parent, coach, teacher, and now youth pastor, I am passionate about helping young men and women through the hard process of growing up.

I have been married to my beautiful wife Amy since 1994. We have been attending FBC since 2002. We have 5, mostly adult, children (One is married in!) who have all been blessed by the youth group at FBC. This makes it such an honor for me to be able to serve Jesus through Impact since he has used it to richly bless my family. In addition to teaching, I also serve as a high school boys small group leader.

I love to barbecue, travel, and read. I even enjoy most home remodeling projects. Oh, it’s also really awesome to cross things off my Honey Do list. Am I right? Pizza is great, coffee rocks, but ice cream rules!

MAKAYLA GUZMAN | I put my faith in Jesus in elementary school, but I had a very shallow understanding of what walking with the Lord was supposed to be until I was in college, where I committed fully to loving the Lord with all my heart, mind, and soul.

I graduated from Calvary Chapel Bible College with a degree in Biblical Studies, and I am passionate about teaching teenagers how to study the Bible and apply its truth to their lives, equipping them to serve the church and be leaders in their communities. At Impact, I coordinate our volunteer team, lead our Student Leadership Team, and serve as a high school girls small group leader.

I also work as a photographer at a portrait studio, and you can pretty much always find me with a camera in hand. If you love good espresso, green smoothies, traveling, documentary podcasts, game nights, bookstores, and paddle boarding - let’s be friends.

MICHAEL LENNOX | I became a Christian at a young age, but didn't really take my personal relationship with Jesus seriously until I was in High School. I learned firsthand how formative the teenage years are, and was thankful to have some amazing youth leaders pour into my life, guide me through the challenges of adolescence, and point me to the Gospel. It's been a tremendous blessing and encouragement to have the chance to be on the other side of that relationship now as an adult.

After many years working with students, I’m still constantly blown away by the depth of their character their desire to seek after Jesus. It is truly an honor to serve as a small group leader for the High School guys & grow alongside them.

I work full time as a graphic designer for a local clothing branding company. In my free time, I enjoy reading a book, watching a good movie, traveling, going to the gym, cooking, playing guitar, grabbing coffee with friends, and spending copious amounts of time with my nephews (okay and the rest of my family).

Leader Team Bios

Alexa Pedersen | I have been coming to FBC since I was in high school (2009). Youth Group was where my faith became my own, and not just something I did with my parents. Now I get to encourage students to develop a personal relationship with Jesus, just like I did! I went to college for Piano Performance and love to play in the worship band. I work for the Seattle Symphony, and fortunately I get to work from home most of the time. But when I take the train to Seattle, I enjoy reading my Bible or listening to Christian podcasts and audiobooks. I’ve been doing the same bible reading plan since 2019, and I’m passionate about challenging students to cultivate a love for God’s Word. Ask me about my Bible reading plan anytime, and I’ll happily talk your ear off!

Aside from that, I enjoy Disneyland, cats, memes, classical music, and any behind-the-scenes/how-it’s-made content from my favorite movies or TV shows. My husband, Anders and I just got married in 2023. He is a middle school boys leader and also plays electric guitar in the worship band. We enjoy serving together, playing tennis together, and having friends over to our house, which is only 5 minutes from church!

Amy Potts | I didn’t grow up going to church, yet I had a reverence for God that is hard to explain. However, I had no idea what the Bible said, what it meant to follow God, and I had no desire to change. Mostly, I was happy living that way, even into my adult years. Thanks be to God, He didn’t leave me that way! I was married to Chris and had two little boys at the time I began to realize how scared I was to die. The thought of going to hell left me absolutely panic stricken. I knew I had never surrendered to God. I had never taken the time to know God and His attributes. But God. ♥️

God‘s amazing mercy and grace saved me. He gave me a desire to change when I honestly started to seek him. I learned that God’s promises are true. Matthew 7:7 says, “Ask, and it will be given to you; Seek, and you will find; Knock, and it will be opened to you.” The peace of God truly transcends all understanding to which I am eternally grateful!! I love serving for the glory of God! What an incredible honor to be part of the body of Christ and to be used by Him! Being able to serve alongside my husband and my kids is such a total blessing! I also work full-time as a daycare owner. I have a house renovation happening at all times. I love, love, love traveling, hosting events, and spending time with my family! ♥️♥️♥️

Anders Pedersen | I’ve been coming to FBC my whole life and love helping lead in youth ministry. I remember how much growth I saw in my own life and faith during my time in youth group. I had leaders encouraging me to read my Bible and helping me find friends who were serious about their faith. I hope to similarly encourage the students at Impact as they seek to make their faith their own.

When I’m not at youth group, I enjoy reading, playing guitar, and programming. I also enjoy spending time with my lovely wife Alexa, who is one of the high school girl leaders.

AJ Pearson | I was born and raised in Kennewick Washington. I grew up going to church but lived a completely immoral and ungodly life for the first three years I was in high school. I repented and started truly living for Jesus when I was eighteen years old. Reflecting on my own experience makes me understand how important it is to be surrounded by believers & have godly role models in our lives.

I now live in Gig Harbor and have been at FBC since August 2022. I enjoy reading, hiking, running, golfing, fishing, and boating. I am currently pursuing a degree in Bible Apologetics through Liberty Online.

Audrey Pedersen | As a lifelong attendee of Fellowship Bible Church, I’ve known about Jesus for as long as I can remember. However, I didn’t fully understand the gift of God’s grace until my college years. My relationship with Jesus mostly consisted of “earning” his love by being really, really good. Unsurprisingly, I failed to meet my own standards, let alone his. With the help of the Holy Spirit, I realized that God loves me because he loves me and I can neither help nor hamper his heart.  I love sharing the truth about God with others, especially middle and high school kids who so deeply want to know they are loved. 

During the week, I work night shift in the NICU at St. Joe’s Medical Center. Helping tiny people is the best! I also dabble in too many hobbies for my own good, like trying new recipes, haunting the library, playing the cello and guitar, failing at gardening, and painting watercolor vegetables. I’m also blessed to have family nearby and love to spend time with my brothers, Anders and Caden, and my sister-in-law, Alexa!

Chris Tiller | I moved around a lot growing up, but I claim the Spring/Conroe area of Texas as my home because that’s where most of my extended family lived. I did not grow up in a Christ-centered home, which definitely affected my decision making as a young adult. It wasn’t until my mid 20’s that I realized He was with me through all of my suffering, shaping my experiences into tools to be used later on. I started working with the youth in 2019 and Christ immediately awoke a passion in me to be the positive role model I didn’t have for the next generation.

Since then I have branched out to many other ministries, such as YAM, the seasonal choir, and participating in service projects. I enjoy riding my motorcycle, hanging out with friends, and most team-based sports. When Washington’s famous dreary weather takes over, I can be found reading a book, playing board games, or binge-watching a new anime.

Drew Wright | The love of Christ was a distant concept for the majority of my upbringing, until I came across a book called "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan. I read Crazy Love during my junior year of high school, and my perception of Jesus changed almost entirely. My faith in Christ went from being about rule-following, shame, image, and empty tradition to powerful humility, spiritual responsibility, life altering truth, and unconditional love. Since then, I have read a number of theological books that have supported me in making sense of God's mysterious and wonderful love.

I’m so grateful to be a high school leader at FBC. The community at FBC is strong and devoted to God's word, and there are so many opportunities for discipleship. It is a place where the word of God is at the core of every conversation and the Holy Spirit is at work. I graduated from Pacific Lutheran University in 2023 with two degrees in business marketing and strategic communications. I work for a marketing firm and live in Tacoma with my wife, Rachel, who is also a high school leader.

Dustin Talladay | I was raised 30 minutes from Niagara Falls in New York until I got my GED at 18. I was raised in the church and in a believing family, but did not take it seriously or accept Christ as my Lord until late highschool age/early college. I’ve seen both good and bad examples of leadership in the church during my life. The bad experiences taught me how important it was to have strong leadership and I’ve sought to become a leader like this. These experiences led to my faith in Jesus and to a desire to pursue a degree in ministry.

I have a Bachelors Degree in Youth Ministry, and I am now in school full time at Western Seminary in Portland, Oregon (online), pursuing a Masters in Divinity. I previously spent 7 years as an engineer in the army. I enjoy working on cars, woodworking, gaming, gardening, and I love cooking but never use recipes. I love animals, especially my dog Simo. My wife Piper and I both serve together at Impact and recently welcomed our first son, Shepherd!

Emma DeVries | I have lived in the beautiful PNW for my whole life and have been attending FBC for a little over a decade. Being raised in a household and community of believers, I had a head full of biblical knowledge but lacked the true understanding and depth that comes with true belief and ownership of my faith. It wasn’t until my late teens that I took the full leap of faith in Christ to commit to living a life honoring to the Lord with my whole being.

In 2020, I graduated from Ecola Bible College where I spent my time deep diving into Biblical Studies. My passion is serving youth and walking alongside them in their unique walks with the Lord. I was a student in FBC’s youth ministry from 6th-12th grade and I am beyond thankful for the experiences, leaders, and community which shaped and further inspired my own growth in Christ.

Along with my passion to serve youth, you can often find me in a coffee shop, with friends & family, or in class studying to be an esthetician! On my “me-days”, I like to spend my time reading, spending time outdoors, or spending time with my husband, Levi!

Hannah Pakney | I was raised here in Washington and have been attending FBC and Impact for a couple of years. I was taught about Jesus my whole life through my Mom and homeschool co-op, but it wasn’t until about halfway through my Sophomore year of highschool that I accepted Jesus as my Savior. As a young Christian, I am so excited to be part of a team of strong, mature believers who continue to encourage me in my faith. I’m so excited to be a middle school girls leader and be a light for Christ to them, just as the other leaders have been for me.

I graduated highschool May 2023, and have been so blessed to have been homeschooled my entire life. I’ve been working at a local veterinary clinic for 2 years, and I love it there. I’m studying Veterinary Technology online through Penn Foster to become a vet tech, and further my abilities to care for God’s creation. When I’m not working at the clinic or Impact, you can find me playing the piano, watering my plants, or training my dog.

Jill Newman | I was born into a large non-Christian family. I grew up in small paper mill towns across the country, moving every few years. It wasn’t until I moved to Washington in the early 80’s that I really heard the gospel for the first time. I accepted Jesus as my Savior at the age of 23. Since then, the Lord has consistently called me out of my comfort zone as He works to make me more like Jesus.

My husband, Karl, and I have been happily married for over 30 years. It’s a joy to serve together in a ministry that we both love. We have two married children, whom we homeschooled through high school. We also have five adorable grandkids that keep us on our toes! Free time is full of reading, art, creative writing & studying God’s Word. My favorite part of youth ministry is getting to know each individual person and pointing them to Jesus.

Karl Newman | I accepted Jesus as my savior at age 5 and as both Savior and Lord at age 18, when I made a commitment to be changed to be like him! I have been happily married to my beautiful wife, Jill, for more than 30 years. Our two married children, their spouses and our five grandchildren make for energetic and fun family gatherings. I run a technology company in Seattle as well as a separate leadership development company.

I’m excited about helping our FBC youth serve God by discovering their gifts and talents and using them to show Christ to the world. I also enjoy hiking, biking, music, basketball and sailing.

Kellen Westering | I grew up going to FBC, surrounded by faith, but for the longest time, I didn't fully embrace or live the Christian life on the inside because I knew what it would cost. On the outside I played the game, I could tell you every popular Christian song and recite every popular verse. After living a lukewarm lifestyle and chasing worldly desires, I finally committed wholeheartedly to loving the Lord with all my heart, mind, and soul in my late 20's. When I decided to truly follow Jesus, I discovered a deep and lasting joy that goes beyond temporary happiness. His love and guidance fills our hearts with peace and contentment, even in challenging times. By walking in His footsteps, we experience a true and fulfilling joy that nothing else in the world can offer. I believe God has given me energy, drive, and passion for intentional connection and I've absolutely loved serving at Impact. Being able to build God's kingdom together by nurturing the next generation in their faith is truly remarkable. 

I'm married to my beautiful bride Taylor and we live in North Tacoma. I work at the YMCA Corporate Office where I help oversee Membership. In my free time, you will catch me playing pickleball or talking about pickleball!

Malachi Nyhuis | Although I received the gift of salvation when I was 9, my journey with the Lord didn't take off until I was 13 when He rescued me from certain physical death. He brought my life up from the deep (literally) and carried me onto dry ground. Ever since that moment, my life has been filled with an indescribable joy as I learn how to serve our good and faithful Father more fully, with all of my heart, through each passing day.

I’ve been attending Fellowship Bible Church my whole life, and I love this church community deeply. I’ve had the privilege of serving on both the sound team (13+ years) and in youth ministry (10 years). My heart & passion are for the young men of our church, and although my job as a UPS Driver (as well as the needs of my growing family) often prevent me from serving on Tuesday nights, I have stayed as involved and intentional as possible by helping wherever I am able. I love my beautiful wife, Margo, and I love to play with each of my sweet children as they grow older. I enjoy reading/listening to books and podcasts, board gaming, tinkering with/fixing literally anything, road-trips, deep, biblical conversations and in learning, all around.

Natalie Smith | I am a missionary kid born in Panama and raised with 4 different cultures. I have been attending FBC for almost 2 years now, and I’ve been serving at Impact since February 2023. I came to know Christ personally when I was in middle school (11 years old). I graduated from Word of Life Bible Institute in Argentina when I was 21, and during my time there I was able to serve in the worship band, multimedia and our Young Adults ministry. That’s when I fully understood who is it was that I wanted to serve and where I truly fell in love with the Lord. I am passionate about serving God and using my gifts and talents in whatever and wherever is needed.

I love music, fellowship, movies, art, soccer and finding humor in life’s moments while sharing the message of faith! I work in Property Management/Real Estate, so if you ever need help finding a home - I’m your girl! You can also find me spending time with my husband, James, outside of Tuesdays.

Piper Talladay | I started attending FBC in 2019 after moving to Washington from the East Coast and have been so blessed to be welcomed and loved by my family in Christ here! It is a great blessing and privilege to serve your kids and watch them as they grow in their walk with Christ. Seeing these kids experience the love of Jesus and a family of believers is beautiful.

My husband, Dustin, and I have been married for seven years, and it’s a joy to serve in youth group alongside each other! I am an artist, painting mostly equine portraits, and I am a cofounder of an online art school. I love animals, gardening, adventures, and hosting! Dustin and I recently welcomed our firstborn son, Shepherd and he’s the best!

Rachel Wright | I grew up in a loving Christian home where my mom and dad would lead me towards Jesus, answer my questions about faith, and were continually praying for me. At age 5 I had an understanding that I was sinful and had asked God for forgiveness. But it wasn’t until an AWANA summer camp at age 11 that I fully committed my life to Christ after a powerful sermon. It was then that I truly believed that Jesus forgives all my sins and that He wants to have a relationship with me. Since then, I am continually being sanctified & drawing closer to Jesus. God is growing me everyday & helping me to understand his amazing love.

My husband, Drew, and I started coming to FBC in October of 2021 and have loved the true faith and community of believers here. We had been searching for a way to serve the body of Christ and God led us towards Impact. We are excited to serve in youth ministries because we had such amazing leaders at the church we grew up going to in Lynnwood. Youth ministry is so important because youth students are asking great questions, learning how to commit their lives to the Lord, and figuring out what it means to be an everyday follower of Jesus.

Randy Guzman | I’ve lived in the Lakewood/Tacoma area my entire life. I work in construction safety, and also do side work as a First Aid/CPR Instructor. I was married for 25 years, until my late-wife Stephanie passed away in 2019. I have four kids (all now young adults), all of whom love the Lord. I did not grow up in the church, but accepted the Lord as my personal Savior in my late 20’s.

I have been attending FBC for 15 years now, and have been serving in the Impact Youth Ministry for the last 10 years. I had been serving as a HS boys leader, but have more recently transitioned into a leadership role focusing on the youth worship & music ministry. I play the drums, guitar, and sometimes bass in our worship bands and have the opportunity to train up students to use their gifts to serve the Lord. I consider it a privilege to be able to work in youth ministry, and look forward to seeing how the Lord uses me to impact the lives of those students He puts in my path.

I enjoy camping, traveling, grilling, and just spending time with my friends and family!

Sadie Mae Potts | I first realized my need for Jesus when I was 8 years old. I accepted Him in my heart and was baptized a few months later. In high school I realized what it was to make my faith my own. I went to public school and saw the impact I could make standing out for the Lord. Then in college I went to a “Christian University” that didn’t actually stand on Christian values based on the Bible. So I wrestled a lot with what the Bible says and what the world says and how to navigate that. Because I have walked through seasons of wrestling with what is truth and what is from the world, it has grown my faith in really cool ways. I not only trust the Lord’s character and His Word, but I am sure that God is good and just in all His ways.

I love a good competition and anything revolving around sports. I love to travel and be adventurous. Being outdoors always makes me feel close to the Lord. I love a good dance party. Anything that revolves around being in the sun is my total jam, even though I’m Irish and burn immediately. I love to be with people and build relationships. I’m very close with my family and I’m thankful for the rich community that the Lord has given me through FBC.

Taylor Westering | I was born and raised in a Christian home and accepted the Lord into my heart when I was six years old. For most of my life I had been going through the motions, attending church regularly, church camp and the occasional youth group if it didn’t interfere with sports. It wasn’t until my junior year of high school where I felt the Lord put on my heart to make my relationship with him my own and it was time to stop going through the motions. I was baptized that summer at my childhood church camp and from that point forward began to take my faith more seriously and grow in deeper relationship with Him throughout my college years as well. 

Working and serving youth has always been something that I have been passionate about whether it’s through coaching or mentorship. Navigating early teens and high school is a challenging time and I know that mentorship and support from a godly community is something that I could have benefited greatly from when I was this age. I have a passion to love on and serve the youth of FBC and remind them whom their identify comes from and that the Lord is their foundation. 

I have the honor of and joy serving with my husband, Kellen Westering and we will have been married for 2 years as of this October! In my free time I enjoy trying new restaurants, traveling, card games, and spending time with friends and family. I am so incredibly grateful to be part of this amazing Impact team!