Wisdom for Decision Making

by Griffin Lowe

“Where there is no guidance the people fall, but in the multitude of counselors there is safety.”
Proverbs 11:14

I’ve made a lot of poor decisions in my life. I tend to try to only recall the good decisions, but if I were keeping score of the bad decisions versus the good decisions, I think the game would have been called off a long time ago. Since graduating high school, it seems like it’s the theme of life to be presented with opportunities to make tough choices. It never ends.

I’ve always been enamored with the topic of decision making. When the bigger decisions have presented themselves, I have felt stuck at times not knowing which way to go, leaving me feeling paralyzed and second guessing everything. Perhaps you have felt this in your life and have found yourself asking similar questions: “What’s the right call?” “Will I regret this decision?”  “Am I overlooking something?” “Is this what God has for me?” “I don’t know what to do.”

All throughout Scripture, we see the importance of seeking wise, godly counsel. It is extremely evident throughout the book of Proverbs as the principle is repeated on many different occasions. The repetition of this theme has really challenged me to ask myself, “Who am I turning to for godly advice and guidance?” As I refer to scripture, there are a few qualities that I look for in seeking a wise counselor.

  1. Fear of the Lord (Proverbs 1:7)

  2. Have integrity (Proverbs 10:9)

  3. The power of discernment through expertise and knowledge (Job 12:12)

Looking at these three simple qualities has helped me grow spiritually and grow in my decision making. It’s so easy for me to grab the bull by the horns and tackle decisions on my own and be willing to live with the outcomes. However, I’ve learned the hard way in that when I do that, I am missing out on the blessing of insight from people around me who God has strategically placed in my life.

Thankfully, I have been blessed beyond measure to have the role of wise counselors through my parents’ godly influence on my life as well as Christ-centered friendships. While turning to parents or friends is a great start, I personally find that when I stop there, I can sometimes miss out on something greater. I have often found that I need to go to people who are going through similar situations as I am or who have experienced something similar at one point in their lives.

That said, those people are typically older and wiser due to past experiences. They will most likely have had more life thrown at them, providing more opportunities to wrestle with similar scenarios which can often reveal potential pitfalls I may have been blind to. Most importantly, there is a spiritual maturity that centers me back to scripture. The qualities I mentioned above have helped to give me a framework that has recently helped me navigate many complex situations. Praise God I am not doing it alone!

So now what? Maybe you are feeling like you don’t have anyone you can confide in or be vulnerable with as you wrestle through decisions. I have felt that way for a long time and it is something that has been prayed over for many years. So be prayerful. Pray for meaningful relationships that will encourage you, challenge you and grow your relationship with Christ. Just within this last year, I have started to see the fruit of those prayers by how God has so graciously placed a handful of individuals in my life who have had a profound impact on my life.

When you are at the crossroads of a decision, prayerfully seek wisdom and discernment to know who to talk to. It is amazing how the Holy Spirit will work and how He often uses people to come alongside us when we need it most.  


  • After praying and looking at scripture, who do you turn to for wisdom? Do they possess the characteristics of a wise counselor rooted in scripture?

  • Who has God has placed in your life to help you along your journey?

  • If you don’t have anyone, how can you begin to take steps in initiating deep meaningful relationships with those who can provide wise counsel?



