
Quarantine Quiet Times Makayla Guzman Quarantine Quiet Times Makayla Guzman

Worship in Our Day to Day Lives

Although there are many ways to worship, something they all have in common is that they are always done with faith and a heart attitude of choosing Jesus over ourselves. Worship is taking our thoughts captive before Jesus, praying, singing and listening to songs that glorify the Lord, reading the bible, serving others, and extending grace in a million different ways. Worship is taking the time, discipline, and humility to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus.

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Quarantine Quiet Times Makayla Guzman Quarantine Quiet Times Makayla Guzman

Take a Chill Pill | Dethroning the Idol of Busyness

Being stretched between comfort zones is often when you are most vulnerable to making a change. Transitions can often feel like a time-lapse of instability, but who says that instability is always a bad thing? Hear me out: what if seasons of transition were more than just a waiting game but rather opportunities to make the choices you never would have made if you were still in your comfort zone?

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Makayla Guzman Makayla Guzman

Family Relationship | Navigating Our Thought Life Through Social Distancing

We may be tempted to be consumed with worry and fear and negative patterns of thinking. With all of our normal activities cancelled we are around our families constantly and may be feeling bored or stressed at not seeing our friends. All of this is completely understandable and relatable, if not entirely, at least on some level. We all really are more alike than we are different! With at least a month to go, I want to challenge you with an opportunity to rise to a higher standard…

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Makayla Guzman Makayla Guzman

Is Your Battery Dead?

I know God calls us to be cheerful givers and to lay down our lives for our friends. But what if our battery is too low and we have nothing left to give?

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Quarantine Quiet Times Makayla Guzman Quarantine Quiet Times Makayla Guzman

Let’s Be Alone Together | Overcoming Isolation While Social Distancing

Through our feelings of disconnection, God is teaching us what it means to be intentional. It’s clear that we are to follow the footsteps of Jesus in how we love, and Jesus loved us so much he faithlessly calls us to have a relationship with him even when it’s not easy. As members of the body, we should love others through pursuing them especially in this time of extended isolation and fear.

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Quarantine Quiet Times Makayla Guzman Quarantine Quiet Times Makayla Guzman

Is God Still In Control?

All it takes is one look at the news headlines to feel like the world is spinning out of control. Many things we may have looked forward to, like vacations, holiday celebrations, and graduations, are suddenly gone. Happiness has been replaced with fear for our health and that of our loved ones. In this difficult time, our hearts may wonder, ”Is God still in control?” and if he is, why is he letting this pandemic happen?

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Quarantine Quiet Times Makayla Guzman Quarantine Quiet Times Makayla Guzman

Everyone is Watching | Using Social Media as a Platform for the Gospel

In many ways, social media is inherently self-centered. We tend to post the best of ourselves in the hopes that people will like what they see and, in turn, like us. But what if we were to turn this idea of self-centeredness on its head? How could we use our platforms and our followings to share the Gospel in a time of anxiety and fear?

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Quarantine Quiet Times Makayla Guzman Quarantine Quiet Times Makayla Guzman

Lean Into Desperate Times

Quite honestly, there’s nothing like desperation to amp up our prayer lives and help us learn how to storm the throne room of heaven. We learn some of the deepest truths about life with God in the toughest times, including the truth that we cannot make it through without clinging to Jesus…

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