It Is Finished | Easter 2020

This Easter is going to be different than any Easter we have had before.  While there have been other circumstances throughout history that have made it impractical or unsafe for the church to meet and celebrate the resurrection, because of technology we are able to still study together and interact with each other.  I would like to invite you to take this unique time to prepare your heart for the cross and the empty tomb.  Join us in a 10-day study leading up to Easter.  We will look at the events of that final week and examine how they impact our lives today.  


Beginning Friday, April 3 we will be posting videos to correspond with the daily devotionals from the book, “It Is Finished”.  Download the e-book to follow along on this journey! Each day we will walk through the corresponding day leading up to Jesus’ death and resurrection.  It will help deepen our understanding of God’s love for us as we grow to appreciate Christ’s sacrifice more.  


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