Ask and Receive
Finally, I was out of the riptide and back on my feet, standing in chest-deep water after what seemed like forever. I was exhausted. I didn’t know it but Jill had jumped in too and, as I looked to my right, she was in the riptide now and struggling hard toward the beach. In spite of her best swimming, she was moving steadily backward toward the open ocean and would be out of reach any second. My first instinct was to swim over to her as fast as I could…
Wisdom for Decision Making
Proverbs 11:14 “Where there is no guidance the people fall, but in the multitude of counselors there is safety.”
I’ve made a lot of poor decisions in my life. I tend to try to only recall the good decisions, but if I were keeping score of the bad decisions vs the good decisions, I think the game would have been called off a long time ago. Since graduating high school, it seems like it is the theme of life to be presented with opportunities to make tough choices. It never ends…
Ask and Receive
Finally, I was out of the riptide and back on my feet, standing in chest-deep water after what seemed like forever. I was exhausted. I didn’t know it but Jill had jumped in too and, as I looked to my right, she was in the riptide now and struggling hard toward the beach. In spite of her best swimming, she was moving steadily backward toward the open ocean and would be out of reach any second. My first instinct was to swim over to her as fast as I could…