How Do I Read the Bible?
Since we learn best when we discover truth for ourselves, it is very important to have personal time in God’s word. So what are some practical tools to get started?
Testimony: Kiara Franz
I want to start my testimony with a disclaimer: If at any point I say that I did something to get myself out of the bad place I was in, then that’s wrong. What I really mean is GOD took me out of that state and brought me to glory.
How should I introduce God to unbelievers?
The gospel is a simple message and doesn’t change, but people are unique with different backgrounds, beliefs and ideas about spiritual things, so a “one size fits all” approach is not as effective as customizing the approach to the person.
Song Spotlight: Life Defined
Did you know that there are three stages to your salvation? It can be easy to think the gospel starts and ends at the cross, but in reality, our Savior has written a much more incredible story…
Is the rapture biblical?
Is the rapture biblical? Absolutely. Is the rapture pre-tribulational, post-tribulational, or somewhere in-between? That is less clear. This question is important and it's worth wrestling over. We should discuss these things — but…
Created to Belong
God designed us to be in complete and loving families. But, unfortunately, the world is broken, and for many of us, that just doesn’t exist at home. This is where the church can make a difference. Belonging to a body of believers…
Growing Through Gravel
Sexual abuse isn't something to be ashamed of. You are not dirty because of it. You are not damaged goods. You are not broken. You are not unlovable. I still have to repeat these phrases to myself.
Morning Meetings
In every season of life, setting aside time alone to meet with God can be challenging. And, while any time of day is a great time to spend with Jesus, a morning quiet time has some advantages.
Trusting In God When Life Doesn’t Make Sense
Times of trial expose the condition of our hearts. Are we willing to trust God, in spite of not knowing all the ins and outs of His plan, or will we be the god of our own lives because we only have confidence in the things we can understand…