Jesus expects, even commands His disciples to fast and explains how to and how not to do it. Yet, fasting is probably one of the least practiced spiritual disciplines among Christians in America today. It is important to keep a proper view of God in mind when we look at spiritual disciplines. We must remember that God is sovereign and that fasting is not a means of manipulating God. Fasting is also not a way in which we gain favor from God. Our position with God as His children was accomplished by the person and work of Jesus, not our own doing…
Meditation & Memorization
When I say “meditation,” you probably think of a skinny guy with a white beard sitting cross-legged on a mountain peak saying “OMMMMMmmmmmmm…..”
Well, that’s not biblical meditation. Meditation, according to the Bible, is not emptying your mind, but filling it. Specifically, filling it with the truth of the Bible in such a way that prompts you to ponder. Consider. Ask questions. Chew. Imagine. Reflect. Repent. Rejoice. Worship…