The Lord Will Provide
“So Abraham called that place The LORD Will Provide. And to this day, it is said, ‘On the mountain of the LORD it will be provided” Genesis 22:14
When I was expecting my third child, I read a book called Radical by David Platt. He tells of how he challenged his church to do radical things as God called them—some sold houses and gave the money to missions, some left high-paying jobs to join the mission field, etc…
Delighting in the Lord
I grew up homeschooling in the 1980s. Homeschooling was a bit of an anomaly back then and though I knew it was a good fit for me, I found myself developing a long wish list as I became a teenager. My desires for experiences grew quickly...wishing I had more friends, or for the ability to go to "extracurricular activities", or just to be more independent. I felt uncertain about my future and longed to know what God had in store for me…
For the Lord Has Been Good to You
I like to put Bible verses to song, to make them easier to recall. This Psalm has been very meaningful to me over the years and I love to sing it to myself. We need to be reminded of God’s goodness to us, during the hard seasons of life when circumstances fail us, during the seasons of hard choices, and during the times of joy and “ease”…
Jesus and Zacchaeus
Do you ever find yourself judging those whose appearance/job/background/etc. may be different than yours? Who would you say are the “despised ones” of our generation?