All Glory Be to Christ
Wads of crumpled wrapping paper peek out from under the couch in my tousled living room — the norm after our traditional post-present-opening paper wad fight. New sweaters, books, puzzles and games lay haphazardly under the slightly tilted Christmas tree along with a few broken ornaments. Sighing, I scan the mess and head into the kitchen to rummage hopefully for some leftover turkey and stuffing as rain lashes the window in the growing darkness. Spotify is still crooning my Christmas playlist, but the music seems out of place and the joy I had just a few days ago listening to the carols is gone. Christmas is over and spring feels like years away…
The Hope of Salvation Has Come
“Joy to the world, the Lord is come!” We often sing these words at Christmastime, as we celebrate the birth of Christ. But interestingly this song is about the second coming of Christ, not His first. More on that later. This song is still fitting to sing at Christmas as we celebrate the birth of Christ. We are filled with joy when we reflect on the first coming of our Lord and Savior, and we are joyful as we look forward to His return…
O Come All Ye Faithful
On a dark night, in a regular field, 2000 years ago, ordinary men watched over their sheep. On this seemingly routine work night for the shepherds, God chose to change their lives and make the most wonderful news known to them. He revealed the birth of the long-awaited Savior to these ordinary men! Why reveal this great news to shepherds? Why not share it with a religious leader or someone with political power? You see, God knew the hearts of these men. He didn’t just randomly flip a coin to see which field His angels should arrive in. God had a perfect plan. The shepherds were specifically chosen by God for His divine purpose…
Silent Night, Holy Night
The holiday season often feels like a whirlwind. Between holiday parties, shopping for gifts, decorating, and school events, the pace of December can leave us feeling tired. Christmas, the celebration of Jesus’ birth, can become just another thing on our to-do list. But what if we celebrate Christmas a little differently this year? What if taking the time to slow down this year isn’t just good for us but essential for experiencing the true joy of the season?
O Come O Come Emmanuel
I love the musical diversity of Christmas carols. Seriously, how often do we get to sing in a minor key at church? Most of the time we are trying to capture the joy of the Lord with our worship music, but this carol is mournful. At a time as cheerful as Christmas, what is there to mourn?
Can I Get a Witness?
Growing up in the Bible Belt of the Deep South, I occasionally heard this phrase when I would attend a friend’s church. The pastor would be praising God for all He had done, and then would suddenly say, “Can I get a witness?”. He was asking if anyone in the congregation would stand up and share something that God had done in their life…
A Thrill of Hope
O Holy Night is a reflection on the miracle of Christ’s birth and a call to respond in worship. The song also has quite the vocal range, allowing virtuosos to showcase their gifts and talents. As a musician, I love picking up on musical cues that are meant to imitate and emphasize the message of the song.
Glory to God in the Highest
"Hark the Herald Angel Sing!" These lyrics are familiar to us during this time of year and constantly remind us of Jesus' miraculous birth. Charles Wesley, the author of this hymn, wrote over 6,000 songs during his ministry. His mission was to transform profound theological truths into musical pieces for the poor and uneducated, reflecting his heart of servitude.
The Light of Life Has Come
Come, thou long expected Jesus, born to set thy people free;
From our fears and sins release us, let us find our rest in Thee.
Israel's strength and consolation, hope of all the earth Thou art;
Dear desire of every nation, joy of every longing heart.